Equitana Melbourne



Where Are They Now – Skye & Maya (Part 3)

Where Are They Now – Skye & Maya

PART 3: Life after EQUITANA MelbourneAmbitions & Aspirations

Q: What is next for Skye and Maya? Are they any specific goals, competitions or milestones you are aiming to achieve?

A: We will be back at Equitana this year which I’m very excited about. I don’t really see her as a competition horse, she really enjoys her liberty work so will continue developing that.


Q: What future plans and projects do you have in mind for your career as a horse trainer? Any upcoming competitions or events you’re excited about?

A: I just returned from the Australian Stock Horse Nationals where I had great success with one of my own geldings and a client’s mare. We have a few more challenges and shows to attend this year. I’ve got many liberty clinics coming up as well.



Q:  TWOTH often highlights versatility and adaptability in horse training. How do you intend to further challenge yourselves and explore new disciplines or techniques in your training journey?

A: I was really lucky to be invited as a clinician to the International Liberty Horse Festival in Kentucky last year. Ben Atkinson was one of the other clinicians and I got to watch him work with multiple horses and other people. He was absolutely amazing to learn from. I also attended a Will Rogers Liberty clinic here in QLD with Maya. I also attend riding lessons with John Wicks and Matthew Clifford. I feel like you can never stop learning and enjoy attending lessons and clinics of all disciplines.


Q: Do you have any aspirations to expand your horizons beyond competitions, such as educational workshops, clinics, or even mentorship programs additionally to EQUITANA Melbourne in 2024? 

A: I regularly run clinics here in South East QLD and will be traveling a fair bit this year. I go all the way up to Townsville this month and then down to Tasmania later in the year, across to Western Australia and up to the Northern Territory.



Q: In terms of personal growth and development, what steps do you plan to take to continue refining your skills as a horse trainer? Are there any areas you’re eager to focus on improving?

A: I really enjoy competing in Stock Horse shows and challenges so hope to learn more about working cattle.


Q: Are there any new training techniques or disciplines you’re eager to explore with Maya?

A: I’m constantly playing with her liberty work, it’s definitely all a bit of trial and error with it all.


Q: In terms of long-term goals, where do you envision yourself and Maya in the next few years?

A: I just want a long-term best friend, she is my fun horse. She will be the one that I can just pull out of the paddock and go for a relaxing trail ride or lay down in the sun with.



Q: Are there any particular challenges or obstacles you anticipate encountering on your journey, and how do you plan to overcome them?

A: I think working in the horse industry has it continuous challenges and obstacles but its surrounding yourself with the right people to get you through them. I’m very lucky to have a beautiful training facility to work out of and have a great support crew around me.


Q: Lastly, do you have any advice or words of encouragement to aspiring horse trainers who have followed your journey?

A: Be prepared to work long and hard hours. Go learn from as many trainers as you can. Say yes, even when you want to say no. Believe in yourself. Always put the horse first!


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