Polo is played throughout Australia; there are approximately 50 Clubs and State Associations in NSW, Victoria, Queensland, WA and South Australia. Polo caters for players of all ages and standards.
The Teams
Each team has 3 or 4 members each with a distinct position, as shown by the number on their shirt.
No 1 is essentially a goal striker.
No 2 also a forward but plays harder especially on defence.
No 3 is the pivotal player between offence and defence who tries to turn all plays to offence. He is usually the highest rated player on the team.
No 4 or back is the most defensive player whose primary responsibility is to protect the goal area.
The umpire is identified by wearing a black and white striped shirt
The Game
- The game is divided into four or six chukkas with each lasting 7 minutes with a 3 minute interval in between, to allow the players to change horses.
- Chukka comes from the Indian word for a circle or round.
- The teams change ends whenever a goal is scored.
- All players are rated from -2 to 10 (the higher the better).
- The team handicap is the sum of its players handicaps.
Please reach out to the Victorian Polo Association to start your polo journey. You can get involved in the following activities, or simply come and watch a game:
- Polo Tournaments at various levels for competent players
- Club Chukkas for casual players and beginners
- Polo Clinics and Schools to learn and improve
The polo season in Victoria runs from October through to May, with polo played at various locations including Werribee Park National Equestrian centre where the State Polo Association manages three polo fields.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/victorianpoloassociation
Facebook (Victoria): https://www.facebook.com/VictorianPoloClub
Facebook (Melbourne): https://www.facebook.com/melbournecitypolo
Website: www.vicpolo.com.au