Equitana Melbourne



Matt Bleby’s Horsemanship



Matt Bleby’s approach to horsemanship is grounded in the belief that understanding your horse’s thoughts and needs is key to building a strong, lasting relationship. His unique style focuses on developing an awareness of what is truly important to the horse, allowing handlers to work in harmony with the animal rather than imposing their will. 


Here are the core elements of his horsemanship philosophy that Matt will be bringing to the TWOTH round pens, come EQUITANA. 

  • Feeling the Horse’s Thoughts


At the heart of Matt Bleby’s training is the concept of “feeling the thought.” This means tuning in to the subtle signals and intentions of the horse. By learning to recognise what your horse is thinking in the moment, you can adjust your actions to better communicate with the animal. This leads to deeper connection and more effective training.

  • Awareness of the Horse’s Priorities 


Matt emphasises the importance of understanding what matters to the horse. While he may have certain training goals, a successful partnership is built on recognising and prioritising the horse’s comfort and mental state. This means being attentive to their emotions, physical needs and instinctual responses. 

  • The Role of Pressure and Release 


In Matt’s view, pressure is not what the horse responds to most. Instead, it is the moment when the pressure is released that holds the most significance. This release gives the horse space to think and understand what is being asked. He advocates for multiple, subtle releases of pressure to allow the horse time to process and respond correctly, making the training process smoother and less stressful.

  • Putting the Horse first


One of the defining principles of Matt’s training is knowing when to put the horse’s needs ahead of the trainer’s desires. This approach creates a more balanced and respectful dynamic between horse and handler. By doing what is best for the horse, the trainer builds trust and cooperation, laying the groundwork for effective training.

  • Dependability and Trustworthiness 


Dependability and honesty are essential to Matt’s horsemanship approach. He believes that a horse thrives on consistency and needs to know it can rely on its handler. When a trainer is reliable and trustworthy, the horse feels more secure and willing to engage in the training process.

  • The Power of Trust


For Matt, trust is the foundation of every great relationship between horse and human. Trust is built through honesty, transparency and kindness, and it is crucial to forming a bond that will last. When a horse trusts its handler, it becomes more willing to follow their lead and cooperate, making training a mutually enjoyable experience.

  • Accessible Teaching


Matt is not only an expert in horse behaviour, but also a skilled communicator with people. He takes the techniques and the philosophies he has learned through his career and translates them into a format that is easy to understand for trainers and handlers of all levels.


Finally, Matt often encourages trainers to ‘feel the thought’ of their horse. This phrase captures the essence of his philosophy: a good trainer does more than apply pressure – they listen, observe, and respond to the horse’s thoughts, creating a harmonious and trusting partnership.


At TWOTH in 2024, you’ll see Matt’s horsemanship style is all about connection, respect, and trust. His approach will help him to create a relationship with his horse that is rooted in understanding and empathy, making the journey of working together more meaningful for both himself and his horse.


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