Equitana Melbourne


Will Rogers Globetrotting Double Dressage Masterclass 

Will Rogers Globetrotting Double Dressage Masterclass 

Will Rogers is a renowned horseman whose expertise in classical dressage and natural horsemanship has made him a leading figure in the equestrian world. Known for his deep understanding of the horse’s mind and body, Will combines his love of natural horsemanship with the art of dressage, creating a unique and harmonious training approach. His philosophy is rooted in trust, respect and gentle communication, which ensures that horses remain calm and cooperative while achieving high-level performance. 


His approach to training is holistic, focusing on the unique needs of each horse while honing the rider’s abilities to create a harmonious partnership. Additionally, his emphasis on the welfare of the horse and the importance of building  strong, trusting relationships with your equine partner will resonate deeply with you. 


Will’s dressage masterclass promises to be an unmissable event. You’ll get a firsthand look at how he balances the technicality of dressage with the psychological well-being of the horse. His method focuses on building a partnership where the horse feels empowered to perform rather than being mechanically trained. This creates a smoother, more graceful performance than enhances the natural abilities of both horse and rider.


This masterclass is a must-see because it goes beyond standard dressage instruction, offering practical insights into how riders can connect with their horses on a deeper level, translating into better results in competition or leisure riding. Will’s unique combination of classical and natural methods not only inspires riders of all levels but also provides them with tools to develop a deeper bond with their horses. 


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